What to do during this Lockdown?

What to do during this Lockdown? - Keya Seth Aromatherapy

What to do during this lockdown

As the nation is now at a stage of Lockdown, people are staying in their homes to help flatten the rising graph of Coronavirus. Some are spending time by sharing ideas through social media and chat groups on how to stay productive, healthy and in high spirits while many are engaging themselves in cultivating their lost hobbies like cooking, reading books and taking fitness at the core. 

The best advantage of Lockdown we have is being “Natural”. While we are off from fancy junk foods and outside unhealthy carbs, the natural ways for boosting immunity is now in full action to bring our health back on track. Home-cooked foods, conscious eating, less pollution are the boons of this Lockdown period.

Spend time with family during lockdown, stay home, stay safe

So, what are the things you can do during this Lockdown to boost your health and immunity and how to spend your time effectively? Here are some suggestions to spend your time productively, 

Do Yoga: for health and wellbeing

The breakdown of our busy lifestyle and unhealthy habits by coronavirus has intentionally or unintentionally provided us the scope to give time and take care of our health. With Yoga, you not only develop your physical wellbeing, but you are showered with emotional happiness, a healthy mind and body.  

Do yoga and meditation during lockdown

So, breathe in the fresh air in the morning and exhale the negativity within you and spend an hour in energizing your spirits by doing Yoga. 

Engage in Physical Activity: for an active body 

If you are not a yoga person and tend to find it boring, then bag in some physical activity. Do free-hand exercises or follow a well-laid exercise regime from a YouTube fitness guru. Don’t stay idle. Help your family members by assisting them in their chores. Engage yourself in activities like cooking and household cleaning. 

Do Some self-pampering at home 

self pampering during the time of lockdown

Is Lockdown making you worried about your skincare routine as salon visits are not an option right now? Don’t Panic. Being “Natural” is always safe, healthy and cheap unless you have any clinical beauty concerns. 

DIY homemade pack with besan, yogurt, rose water can be effective for daily skincare. Antioxidants like turmeric, lemon juice, sandalwood and neem can be used for glowing, acne-free skin. A mask made with egg white and lemon juice can be used to get healthy shiny hair. 

Take a Healthy Diet: for a healthy body and mind

eat healthy during lockdown

When was the last time you had healthy food daily? Maybe never. This Lockdown has in a way forced you to take care of your food habits strictly. Apart from your home-cooked meals, opt for healthy snacking. Peanuts and other dry fruits are excellent snacks when consumed in small portions.  

So, rather than sitting idle and wondering about Lockdown to get over, spend some time with your family members and keep yourself engaged in some productive activity. While this situation is difficult for all, try to make it memorable, special and healthy for you and your family. Stay Home. Stay Safe! 



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