Quick skin care to follow from Sasthi to Doshomi

Quick skin care to follow from Sasthi to Doshomi - Keya Seth Aromatherapy

skin care during puja


Your unending enthusiasm for pandal hopping during puja can actually make your skin look dull & tired. To make your skin look as fresh as your mood from Sasthi to Doshomi, follow these quick skin care tips in between all your puja plans, eating out, adda & hopping around. Well, this quick skin care regimen is not only for all you girls out there but also for the boys planning to look special during the festive.


Get a home facial on Sasthi morning  

facial before puja is a must


The local parlors near your home are sure to be highly crowded by this time. So, instead of waiting in the long queue, get a luxurious facial at home with Keya Seth Envie facial range. The Envie Gold facial goes best with warm skin undertones, whereas the Envie Pearl facial is most suitable for skin with cool undertones. The Envie Chocolate facial can be used by anyone to get an instant radiance. The process of using these facials is simple & it will take you minimum time to get that Puja special glow.  


Pre-makeup skin ritual for Sasthi

preparing skin before makeup


As you have just done the facial, you will not need to exfoliate or moisturize your skin again before starting with makeup. Just spray some pure rose water on your face, let it get dry naturally & then start with the makeup.

Night time skin care for Sasthi

cleansing is essential


Once you get back home from pandal hopping, even if it is already morning by the time, do not miss to remove all the makeup properly from your skin with a suitable makeup remover & then follow with the Cleansing Milk to ensure that there is no trace of makeup left on your skin. Going to bed with makeup on your face is sure to cause breakouts, ruining your puja.


Unless your skin has a hint of dryness to it after cleansing, you can skip moisturizing. Otherwise follow with Stoppage, Stoppage V or Fresh Dew moisturizer that you use regularly.

Skin ritual for Saptami


If you have been taking care of your skin as suggested in the “Get brighter, rejuvenated skin before Puja” your skin is already in a good condition & do not need you to take a lot of care anymore. However, the skin around the eyes being extremely sensitive will need some extra care. Try this quick home treatment for removing any dark circle or tiredness from around your eyes,


potato for removing dark circles


Take a potato, wash it clean with water & then grate. Squeeze out the juice & soak two cotton pads in this juice. Place these pads over your eyes & take an hour long nap. Once the pads have turned dark, remove & wash off with water.        

As you have done a Home facial just a day before, skip using any skin scrubber or face wash. Clean your face with the Cleansing Milk whenever needed. Follow the same pre-makeup & night time skin care routine as Sasthi.  


Skin care for Ashtami


apply sunscreen powder over makeup


Rushing to the pandal for onjoli on Ashtami morning is sure to leave you with minimum time to do something for your skin. For the ones who have been taking care of their skin all along, there is actually nothing much to be done either.           Just cleanse your face, apply the moisturizer if needed & get a light makeup if you want. Do not forget to use the Umbrella Powder to protect   your skin from tanning.  


Take extra care for your eyes in the afternoon with slices of cucumber & the tiredness will be wiped away from your face. Follow with the same pre-makeup & night time routine & use the moisturizer as needed.


Skin care for Nobomi

To give your skin an instant boost of glow, use the Oxy De-Tan Pack on Nobomi morning. This essential oil enriched pack will not only remove tan from your skin but will also make your skin radiant. Use the pack as mentioned in the instructions. You can also use it on your hands & back to remove any tan.  


green papaya for skin care during puja


If you want to try home remedies, you can rub a green papaya cube on your face for 10-15 minutes & then let it stand for 10 minutes more before washing off with plenty of water. This treatment can remove tan quickly adding a natural glow to the skin.


Also do not miss to use cucumber or potato juice around your eyes during the day to erase any dark circle that might have just started to appear. Before getting your makeup on, apply the Tetra serum to keep your skin well hydrated.    


If you sweat a lot, apply ice, covered in a thin cotton cloth onto your face for at least 10 minutes before moisturizing. Follow the same night time routine after getting back home.


Skin care for Doshomi


mixed fruit pack for a brighter skin during puja


As you have just used the De Tan pack a day before, it is best to opt for a homemade fruit pack for the day. This pack will particularly focus on nourishing your skin & will also add a natural glow. Smash half of a banana, half of a tomato, a few green grapes & 1/4th of a cucumber together; add 1 spoon of brandy to the mixture & 2 spoons of fuller’s earth powder.


Apply the pack onto your face & neck after cleansing with a face wash. Let the pack set for 20 minutes & then wash off with water.


moisturizing is vital


In the evening, before putting on makeup, make sure to moisturize your skin well. If you have got Sindur on your face in the evening after “sindur khela”, do not use a face wash directly. First remove the sindur & the makeup with the Cleansing Milk & then follow with a suitable Skin Eraser


This is all about quick skin care tips for the special five days of the festive.      



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