Blog 54: Say bye to prickly heat & Summer rashes

Blog 54: Say bye to prickly heat & Summer rashes - Keya Seth Aromatherapy
stop that itch

Come the summer & even the people with fairly problem-free skin start experiencing various skin issues. Summer time skin problems are much more prominent in regions that experience high humidity coupled with high temperature. High humidity triggers profuse perspiration & sweat directly adds to skin problems & infections.

Common summertime skin problems in humid weather --       

  • Prickly heat
  • Heat rashes
  • Skin infections
  • Itching & irritability

The best way to stay safe from the common skin problems of summer is to take preventive measures from the beginning of hot & humid days. Once the skin problem has started or has spread, it will become a bit difficult & time consuming to stop & cure it but if you start taking the right precautions since the beginning of summer, you can most probably skip the summer time skin problems all together.

Natural cures for heat rashes & prickly heat      

The mother nature has provided us with more than one ingredients that can work miraculously in preventing all the summer time skin problems. If you can collect these ingredients fresh from the garden, prepare a concoction at home & use them daily, you are sure to stay clear from the summertime skin problems. Some of these natural ingredients includes, 


  • Neem leaf
  • Tulsi leaf
  • Turmeric roots
  • Essential oils (in proper concentration)

These natural ingredients are known for their natural anti-microbial & skin soothing properties. They also help in controlling perspiration, thus preventing heat rashes, prickly heat & skin infections.

However, in the modern-day life, finding these natural ingredients fresh & preparing their concoction is cumbersome. Moreover, to get the best benefit you need to maintain proper percentage of each of the ingredients, which might be difficult.

Why Use Ankush? 


Ankush is a revolutionary Ayurvedic formula backed by years of research, a unique combination of potent herbal extracts along with a blend of essential oils have been used in this formulation to attain maximum efficacy. Neem, Tulsi, Turmeric & Kur, the four major ingredients of this product are known for their excellent natural skin soothing, anti-septic and anti-microbial properties.


Essential oils of Lavender and Rose not only give this solution a refreshing scent but also add to its skin soothing ability.  The presence of cetrimide in appropriate concentration makes the product highly effective as a disinfectant and germicidal. 

How to prevent Summertime skin problems?   

One of the most effective ways to keep your skin fresh & problem free even during sweltering summer is to include Ankush in your daily bath time ritual. Using it is as simple as anything & will not take more than few seconds of your time.

  • After you have completed bathing, add 1-2 caps of Ankush in one mug of fresh water & pour it down from over your head for prevention of skin problems during summer. Repeat twice a day.  
  • You can apply Ankush directly on rashes, itches & prickly heat to get quick relief.
  • To treat prickly heat or rashes, add few drops of Ankush in half glass of clean water. Freeze the water to ice cubes in an ice tray. Apply the ice directly onto the affected area.

Some more tips!

  • Wear light, cotton or linen clothes to ensure that perspiration is quickly evaporated from the skin surface.
  • Always wipe off the excess perspiration as quickly as possible to make sure that the sweat is not accumulated.
  • Sleep on light & clean linen bedsheets, avoid any type of heavy bedding.
  • Try to stay in an air conditioned or well aerated room to keep perspiration in check.

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