Rose Oil

Rose Oil

Rose Oil Benefits & Features

  • Rose (Family Rosaceae)  is the most popular and widely used medicinal plant. (Safieh Mohebitabar & Fatemeh Nejatbakhsh, 2017)
  • According to Persian Medicine, rose oil has anti-inflammatory, anti-infective and wound-healing activities. (Safieh Mohebitabar & Fatemeh Nejatbakhsh, 2017)
  • It is suitable for all skin types but particularly mature, dry, sensitive and ageing skin. (Seller, 1992)
  • It has a tonic and astringent effect on the enlarged capillaries to diminish the redness on the cheeks. (Seller, 1992),  (Davis, 1988)
  • Rose oil is helpful for some allergies. (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)
  • The chemical composition of rose oil contains citronellol, geraniol, nerol, stearpoten, phenyl ethanol, and traces of nonanal linalool.  (Snehal.S Kulkarni, 2014)
  • It works against UV rays’ penetration. (Snehal.S Kulkarni, 2014)
  • Antioxidant properties of Rose Essential Oil include geraniol, linalool & citronellol play an important role in scavenging free radicals. (Michalak, 2022 )
  • With antibacterial properties, it is often recommended for acne treatment. (Asja Sarkic, 2018)
  • It lifts the heart and eases nervous tension & stress. (Seller, 1992).
  • Containing flavonoids & free radical antioxidant compounds such as rutin and quercetin helpful for the treatment of depression. (Mustafa Nazıroğlu, 2012)
  • It relieves nausea, vomiting and constipation to some extent and has soothing effects on sore throats and eases coughs. (Seller, 1992)
  • It helps release the Happy Hormone DOPAMINE, which benefits infertility and aids males’ sexual difficulties. (Seller, 1992)
  • Suitable for Women for regulating the menstrual cycle and reducing excessive loss. (Davis, 1988)
  • Rose Oil has a powerful effect on the uterus and is also suit for women who tend to miscarry. (Davis, 1988)

Rose Oil Info:

INCI: Rosa Damascene Flower Oil.  (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)

Also Called-Like-This: Damask Rose Flower Oil.

Actions: Antioxidant, Perfuming, Antibacterial/ Antimicrobial, Antidepressant, Antiphlogistic, Antispasmodic. (Mohammad Hossein Boskabady, 2011), (Lawless, 1992)

Others: Rosa Centifolia (Cabbage Rose).

               Rosa gallica (Red Rose) (Seller, 1992)  

Family: Rosaceae. (Seller, 1992)  

CAS Number(s): 8007-01-0; 90106-38-0. (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)

CosIng Information:

All Functions: masking, skin conditioning.

Description: Rosa damascene flower oil is the volatile oil obtained from the flowers of the damask rose, Rosa damascene, and Rosaceae. (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)

Aroma: Deep, sweet, and flowering- an exquisite perfume. (Seller, 1992)                 

Colour: A pale yellow or olive-yellow liquid. (Lawless, 1992)

Rosehip Seed

The Rose was probably the first flower from which essential oil was ever distilled in 10th-century Persia. The great Arab physician Avicenna was created by having refined the first Rose Oil, possibly by chance, during alchemical experiments. (Davis, 1988). It is a very popular plant in the East: Persian warriors adorned their shields with red roses, Turks introduced it to, and the conquering Turks introduced it to Bulgaria in the 17th century. Rosa gallica was used in healing balms for lung diseases & asthma in the Middle Ages. Vitamin C was in short supply during the Second World War, and Rosehips were used instead (Seller, 1992).

Damask rose, also known as Gole Mohammadi in Iran. It is one of the most important species of the Rosaceae family. These are well-known ornamental plants referred to as the king of flowers. Over 200 rose species and more than 18000 cultivars form of the plant has been identified. It is mainly known for its perfuming effects. Scattering Rose Water at weddings symbolises love and purity and is also used to aid meditation & prayers. ­ (Mohammad Hossein Boskabady m. n., 2011)

Rose (Family Rosaceae) also is the most popular and widely used medicinal plant. They originated from the Middle East but are cultivated all over the world. Rose oil is the essential oil extracted from the petals of Rosa species, especially R. damascena and R. centifolia. Nowadays, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Morocco are the major producing countries of this essential oil. (Safieh Mohebitabar & Fatemeh Nejatbakhsh, 2017)

In a study on the essential oil of R. damascena in the Kashan region of Iran, 95 components were reported. The most abundant ones were β-citronellol, nonadecane, geraniol. (Anton C. de Groot, 2016), (Safieh Mohebitabar & Fatemeh Nejatbakhsh, 2017).

In Persian Medicine, rose oil has been alleged to have anti-inflammatory, anti-infective and wound-healing activities. It has been used for relieving headaches, inflammatory conditions of the gastrointestinal tract, and muscular pain. (Safieh Mohebitabar & Fatemeh Nejatbakhsh, 2017)

Inhalation of rose oil showed protective effects against damages caused by exposure to formaldehyde (colourless, flammable, strong-smelling chemical) in the male reproductive system. (Safieh Mohebitabar & Fatemeh Nejatbakhsh, 2017)

Our Product with Rose Essential Oil

Relaxing Floral Body Oil, Lavender & Rose Body Massage oil, Skin Hydrating Rose Toner & 32Star Blended Essential Oil is powered with the rectitude of High quality, pure Rose Essential Oil. Rose Essential Oil is obtained from the fresh petals of flowers in a delicate process. It’s Intense moisturising and excellent for Dry, Mature, Hard & Sensitive Skin. It combats Redness & Inflammation & strengthens the skin’s cells by absorbing & retaining moisture. Its tonic & soothing quality helps constrict action on capillaries & is a valuable treatment for broken thread veins. Ultra-Feminine Oil gives a Woman a positive feeling about herself. Excellent for Womb, Calming, and menstrual concerns. It is reputed to inspire feelings of desire.

Designed especially for those who like to use Body Oil throughout the year. Keeping this in mind, a unique formula for women with Summer Floral notes has been developed. Sweet, Floral & Exotic Aroma, Non-sticky, Light, Quick absorbing & Nourishing oil infused with the lovely blending of Lavender, Rose & Ylang Ylang Essential Oils & a unique fusion of Jojoba Oil. It helps to hold moisture in the skin with soothing & cooling effects & at the same time.

Designed especially for Women with Feminine aroma and properties. It is Calming & Soothing. Great Skin Tonic. It has Romantic properties. Lavender & Rose Body Massage Oil is a Light, Non-sticky & Quick-absorbing oil that improves the elasticity, texture & tone of the skin & gives an Instant Glow. For use After Bath and Before going to Bed.

Rose Oil Research Findings

Chemical Compounds in Rose Oil:

  • Citronellol
  • Geraniol
  • Nonadecane
  • Nerol
  • Ethanol                                                   
  • Heneicosane
  • n-Heptadecane
  • 2-Phenethyl alcohol
Rose Oil Chemical Structure
Chemical Structure 2

Rose Oil Benefits for Skin:

Perfect oil for use in skincare. It can be used for all skin types but is particularly good for mature, dry, hard, sensitive and ageing skin. It has a tonic and astringent effect on the capillaries and, in fact, on the circulation generally, which makes it helpful in diminishing the redness caused by enlarged capillaries (often known as “thread-veins”) in the cheeks. (Seller, 1992),  (Davis, 1988). Vapour therapy of Rose oil is helpful for some allergies. (Anton C. de Groot, 2016)  

Rose infusions are also helpful for eye washing, eyelid complaints, and skin ulcers. (Ratan, 1997).

Rose Oil Benefits for Face:

Essential oils are natural products derived from raw plant materials, including flowers), leaves, roots, seeds, fruits, wood, bark and resin, for their various biological properties and medicinal uses. Oils are a mixture of many single organic substances, including terpene hydrocarbons and their oxygen derivatives, alcohols (geraniol, α-bisabolol), aldehydes (citronellal, sinensal), ketones (menthone, p-vetivone), esters (γ-tepinyl acetate, cedryl acetate). In general, one to three substances predominate in a particular oil. (Michalak, 2022 )

The chemical composition of rose oil is one of the most complex; it contains citronellol, geraniol, nerol, stearpoten, phenyl ethanol, and traces of nonanal linalool. Rose oil blended with cream or lotion stimulates the skin while moisturising and hydrating, beneficial to dry, mature and sensitive skin. It helps to reduce skin redness, fight inflammation, and fix broken capillaries on the skin. It is reported to have activity against UV rays’ penetration. (Snehal.S Kulkarni, 2014) The most important components of Rose Oil with antioxidant properties include geraniol, linalool & citronellol play an important role in scavenging free radicals. It is also significant in anti-skin ageing properties. (Michalak, 2022 ). Due to its antibacterial properties, it is often recommended for acne treatment. (Asja Sarkic, 2018)

Rose Oil Benefits for Mind:

Rose oil may be a helpful treatment for depression because it contains flavonoids, including free radical antioxidant compounds such as rutin and quercetin. (Mustafa Nazıroğlu, 2012)

It has a soothing effect on emotions, particularly depression and grief. It lifts the heart and eases nervous tension & stress. (Seller, 1992). It is a gentle but potent antidepressant and an ultra-feminine oil. It is beneficial where an emotional disturbance is linked to female sexuality or the reproductive cycle. It is one of the oils which is valuable in helping women suffering from post-natal depression or depression following the break-down of a relationship, particularly if the woman needs help in experiencing grief rather than anger at the situation. (Davis, 1988)

Rose Oil Benefits for Body:

Tonic action helps the heart activate sluggish blood circulation, relieve cardiac congestion and tone the capillaries. Antiseptic and purging action helps clear the alimentary canal and balances and strengthens the stomach during emotional upsets. To some extent, it relieves nausea, vomiting and constipation. (Seller, 1992)

The ancient Romans valued it for hangovers, possibly because of its cleansing and purging action on toxins. Excess alcoholic congests the liver, which may cause jaundice. It has a soothing action on sore throats and eases coughs. (Seller, 1992)

Its beneficial action on infertility aids males’ sexual difficulties like frigidity and impotence by soothing the underlying tension and stress by releasing the Happy Hormone DOPAMINE. (Seller, 1992).

Rose has long been renowned as an aphrodisiac property, that’s why the Romans used to scatter rose petals on the bridal bed, a custom of wedding, depends on the action, as we know of rose oil which helps women suffering from frigidity and to help with male impotence. (Davis, 1988)

Rose Oil Benefits for Women:

Many Essential oils have a therapeutic affinity with a particular body organ. Unsurprisingly, the Rose, with its “feminine” qualities, has a powerful effect on the uterus. It is cleansing, purifying, regulating & tonic and is valuable when uterine muscle tone is lost. Still, its application is practical when combined with yoga for the targeted body portion/part.  It is also suitable for women who tend to miscarry. (Davis, 1988). Besides severe Gynaecological problems, Rose oil is precious for those with irregular menstrual cycles or who are tense, depressed, or sad. (Davis, 1988)

Suitable for regulating the menstrual cycle where this is irregular and reduces excessive loss. It is undoubtedly helpful when predicting ovulation dates is difficult because of an irregular cycle. (Davis, 1988)

Rose Oil Benefits for Spiritual Uses:

The therapeutic use of aromatic plants, and oils made from them, dates to the earliest times. In Egypt, infused oils and unguents were employed 5000 years ago for spiritual and medicinal uses. Even earlier civilisations burnt aromatic herbs and woods to drive out 'evil spirits', which we might now interpret as a mental sickness. In many parts of the world, fragrant plants, such as roses, have been, and still are, an integral part of the ritual in sorcery, healing and religious practices.

Whether in aromatic oil or incense, such holy perfumes were presumably intended to evoke a spiritual atmosphere or a heightened awareness.

The emotive capacity of odours is more commonly attributed to their stimulating effect on the limbic system, whose role in memory and emotion is well known. With euphoric and aphrodisiac properties, aromatics were used as stimulants or sedatives of the nervous system. In China, the psycho-therapeutic qualities of essential oils were being put to good use. Shih-Chen (1973) attributes anti-depressant properties to rose oil.

By this time, aromatics had a long tradition of use as euphoric, aphrodisiacs, sedatives and anti-depressants. However, the concept of strengthening the brain and memory was relatively new.

                                                                                                                                       (TISSERAND, 1977, 1988)

How to Use:

  • Add 2 to 3 drops of Rose Essential Oil to Diffusers/ Vaporiser for inhalation.
  • Rose oil vapour induced protective effects on oxidative stress in depression. (Mustafa Nazıroğlu, 2012)
  • Add one drop of oil to a small amount of face gel and apply it on the forehead during meditation. The scent can relax the body & mind.
  • Add 3-5 drops of Rose essential oil in lukewarm water for a foot bath to relieve the fatigue.
  • Add 8 to 10 drops of Rose essential oil to a bucket of Lukewarm water for a bath during painful menstruation.
  • Add a few drops of Rose essential oil to a carrier oil. As it contains aphrodisiac properties, Massage with rose oil enhances moods.
  • Add one to two drops to face oil, cream or gel and massage in dry & ageing skin.
  • Mix 10 to 12 drops to half a litre of water and use as a Room Spray.


  • Since it is an emmenagogue(stimulant) best avoided in pregnancy. (Seller, 1992) Rose oil may sometimes irritate the skin despite its gentle nature. (Ratan D. R., 1997)
  • Always use the diluted form as sometimes aroma can lead to a stronger headache. Always do a patch test before use.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. How to use Rose Essential oil on the Face?

Ans. Add one to two drops of Rose essential oils to your face cream, gel or face oil and apply all over your face for hydration. Excellent for ageing skin. Add a few drops to a mug of cold water and refresh your look in the summertime.

2. How to distil Rose Essential oil?

Ans. Rose essential oil or otto has been made by water or steam distillation from the fresh petals. (Lawless, 1992). It has to be picked just after the dew and distilled immediately to maximise oil yield. (Seller, 1992). ( Rose water is produced as a byproduct of this process). (Lawless, 1992).

The enfleurage extraction method yields more significant quantities of oil and is known as absolute. (Seller, 1992).

3. How long does Rose Essential oil last?

Ans. It is important to store essential oils in dark bottles and away from direct sunlight and heat sources. It is recommended that they are stored in a cool place, such as a refrigerator. (Robert Tisserand, 2002)

Essential oils that readily degrade should be refrigerated and used within 12 months of end-user purchase or first opening.  (Robert Tisserand, 2002)

4. How many Rose Petals are used to make Essential oil?

Ans. In the traditional extraction process, almost two tons of Rose petals are required to get a kilo of Rose oil. (Ratan D. R., 1997).

5. How to use Rose Essential Oil for hair?

Ans. Rose Essential Oil does not have any effects on hair growth.

But you can add a few drops of Rose Essential oil to your herbal shampoo or bath water to help soothe the mind and heals depression, grief, nervous stress and tension. (Laxmi S Joshi, 2015)

6. How does Rose Essential oil Smell Like?

Ans. Deep, Sweet and Flowery – an exquisite perfume. (Seller, 1992)

7. What does Rose Essential Oil blend well with?

Ans. Name of Essential Oils: Bergamot, Chamomile, Clary Sage, Galbanum, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender, Neroli, Palmarosa, Patchouli, Sandalwood.

8. Does Rose Essential Oil clog pores?

Ans. Rose Essential Oil does not clog pores as it non-comedogenic.

9. Is Rose Essential Oil safe for babies?

Ans. No, Essential Oil is not safe for babies.

Suggested Research Papers for Further Reading:


  • Anton C. de Groot, E. S. (2016). Essential Oils Contact Allergy and Chemical Composition(1st ed.).
  • Asja Sarkic, I. S. ( 2018, January 12). Essential Oils and Their Single Compounds in Cosmetics—A Critical Review.
  • Davis, p. (1988). Aromatherapy An A-Z (1st ed.).
  • Hongratanaworakit, T. ( 2008, December 19th). Relaxing Effect of Rose Oil on Humans. Retrieved from
  • J.-L. Fiasson, O. R.-B. ( 2005, January 13). Encyclopedia of Rose Science.
  • K. H. C. Baser. (1992 , May/Jun). Turkish Rose Oil*. Retrieved from
  • Lawless, J. (1992). The Encyclopedia Of Essential Oils (1st ed.).
  • Laxmi S Joshi, H. A. (2015, February 16). Herbal Cosmetics and Cosmeceuticals: An Overview. doi:DOI: 10.4172/2329-6836.1000170
  • Michalak, M. ( 2022 , Jan 6). Plant-Derived Antioxidants: Significance in Skin Health and the Ageing Process.
  • Milka Mileva, Y. I. ( 2021, January). Rose Flowers—A Delicate Perfume or a Natural Healer? doi:DOI:10.3390/biom11010127
  • Mohammad Hossein Boskabady, M. N. ( 2011, May 10). Pharmacological Effects of Rosa Damascena. Retrieved from
  • Mohammad Hossein Boskabady, m. n. ( 2011, March). Pharmacological Effects of Rosa Damascena. Retrieved from
  • Mustafa Nazıroğlu, ,. S. ( 2012, April 08 ). Rose oil (from Rosa × damascena Mill.) vapor attenuates depression-induced oxidative toxicity in rat brain.
  • Ratan, d. (1997). Hand book of Aromatherapy (1st ed.).
  • Ratan, D. R. (1997). Hand book of Aromatherapy (1st ed.). Institute vof Holistic Health Sciences.
  • Robert Tisserand, R. Y. (2002). Essential Oil Safety (1st ed.).
  • Safieh Mohebitabar, M. S., & Fatemeh Nejatbakhsh. (2017, May-Jun ). Therapeutic efficacy of rose oil: A comprehensive review of clinical evidence. Retrieved from
  • Seller, W. (1992). The Directory Of Essential Oils (1st ed.).
  • Snehal.S Kulkarni, R. B. (2014, 02 28). HERBAL PLANTS IN PHOTO PROTECTION AND SUN SCREENING ACTION: AN. Retrieved from
  • TISSERAND, R. (1977, 1988). Essential oils as psychotherapeutic agents.


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